“This Mark Will Forever Change You and Destroy the Covenant I Have Created With My Created People”


By Julie Whedbee

There is so much I wish to reveal to you My Beloved. Your experiences here in this realm, the set of circumstances which surround you at any given time are all by My design. You were known from before time was. Your journey here is meant to be the expression of who I am in you. I mold you and shape you as you move through the fiery trials and tribulations of this world, each step, surrendering all to Me, in trust and in obedience. This is how I refine you, as gold is tested by fire.

This life is about your awakening. It is about receiving the revelation of who you are in Me and I in you, and walking in this, your full potential. I have the culmination of all your life experiences in My hands. I know the outcome no matter what path you choose at any given time. I can and will use every detail of your life for My glory as this is why I have created you, for My good pleasure.

You live in a time like no other. It is the darkest of times, but it will also be the most glorious of times, as the remnant church, My Body, is awakening to her full potential. The mysteries and secrets of My Kingdom are being revealed like never before, and that which was previously hidden and veiled is being understood. I have purposed it to be so for this generation.

The midnight hour is come and you have a responsibility to know and understand the times you are in. I have poured out My Spirit as never before, and you have My Holy Word to counsel and guide you. It is for you to rise higher and shine brighter with My glory as the world plunges deeper into chaos. My people perish for lack of knowledge, so do not be as one who does not seek to understand your position and the importance of walking in righteousness.

I have warned of great deception and My people, it is here. You will not be able to stand on any other foundation except for Me to ensure your survival. I do not speak of your physical safety as much as I speak of your eternal resting place. Without My truth and My laws written on your hearts, you will be swept away by this deception and perish. Take these My words very seriously children, as the powers of darkness have a very sinister plan. They have gone to great depths to ensure this plan comes to fruition, and many, many of My lukewarm ones will fall away and be lost. I have called upon you, yes you, and all who have ears to hear what My Spirit is saying in this late hour, to listen to My wise counsel and warn the others. To whom much is given, much is required.

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to distinguish truth from lies, light from dark, good from evil, but I tell you there is ONE WAY, ONE ANSWER.


I have every answer and I hold all the keys. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father or enters My Kingdom, except through Me. I am the Ladder and I am the Door. I am the Shepherd, and My sheep know My voice and they follow Me.

FOLLOW ME..and only Me. Do not listen to the voice of another.

There is so much evil planned against you, as the enemy has manipulated all creation. There are plans to recreate life, to alter My design, many of which are already being implemented. Satan has always wished to be God and Creator. Do you remember when I spoke to you about your DNA? It is My blueprint or code that is your DNA and makes you to be fashioned in My image, originally before the fall, a pure and untainted bloodline.

By devising ways to manipulate this DNA, the enemy is in the process of creating his own kingdom with his own race of beings. Some have and will give allegiance freely, but many others he will coerce into this allegiance by manipulation and deception.

Does My Word not tell you, as in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be? To know the beginning is to know the end. There is nothing new under the sun. Study what has occurred when the fallen angels came unto the daughters of men, and you will understand what is unfolding before your very eyes. This beast system is spoken about in My Word in the end as iron mixing with clay– that which is My creation with that which is not. I have much wisdom to share with those who seek this from Me. Ask of Me and it shall be given unto you.

It is imperative that you understand what happened then, so you know that this battle is spiritual and there is only one answer to overcoming and being saved. Any alteration to your DNA, to the very essence of who you are within your blood is an abomination to Me and is the mixing of satan’s seed with My Holy creation. Man is taking it upon himself under the direction of your adversary to alter man’s very existence, to add to or take away that which I alone have created. Woe to those who tamper with My creation as I alone am Creator. There is no God beside Me! These horrors are being done and will be done to a greater degree in the very near future and are being called advancement and breakthrough technology.

Understand what I am saying to you. This has begun the mark of the beast that My Word speaks about. This system has been created to keep you from aging, to heal you, to remove ‘imperfections,’ to track you medically, to birth children without defects, and this is a disguise for the real motive behind this technology. It’s very purpose is for control and manipulation, an extremely wicked means to cause you to accept this advancement readily, only to be used against you in the most vile and horrific way. This ‘science,’ once taken into the body, this mark whether it be in the hand or in the forehead, whether it be a chip or a code, whatever way it is now and will be presented to you, will forever change you and destroy the covenant that I have created with My created people. You will lose your eternal soul if you accept this ‘mark’, this technology within your bodies….

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